SERVES 4 | PREPARATION TIME: 10 MINUTES | COOKING TIME: 1hr 45 MINUTES (depending on size of lamb and how you like your lamb cooked)
This delicious Greek roast lamb dish might take a couple of hours but it's well worth the wait. Beautifully aromatic with classic Greek staples, this will bring back memories of your favourite holidays in the mediterranean.
1 large leg of lamb, about 3kg/6lb 8 oz
6 minced garlic cloves
Zest and juice 1 lemon
1.5 kg potatoes
400g tin chopped tomatoes
Large handful pitted baby kalamata olives
3 tbsp OliveOlive Greek Seasoning Blend For Lamb
Heat oven to 240C. Mix the garlic, half of the Lamb Seasoning Blend, lemon zest and a pinch of salt. Then add the lemon juice and a drizzle of olive oil. Stab the lamb all over with a sharp knife, then push as much of the herb paste as you can into the holes.
Tip potatoes into a large roasting tin, then toss in the remaining olive oil and any remaining herb paste. Nestle the lamb amongst the potatoes, roast for 20 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 180C.
Roast for 1 hr 15 minutes for medium-rare, adding another 15 minutes if you prefer your lamb medium.
Baste the lamb once or twice with the juices and toss the potatoes.
When the lamb is done to your liking, remove from the tin and let it rest. Throw the rest of the Seasoning Mix for Lamb in with the potatoes, remove them from the tin and keep warm.
Finally, placed the roasting tin over a medium flame, add the canned tomatoes and olives to the pan juices, then simmer for a few minutes. Serve this sauce along with the lamb and potatoes.